Cancer navigation deals with every aspect of a cancer survivor’s health care, which can include one’s primary care physician and any specialists
treating other medical conditions. Cancer treatment affects not only cancer survivors and their loved ones. It affects their entire health care team.

Patient navigation systems are designed to:

· Reduce cancer incidence and mortality.
· Improve patient quality of life.
· Develop education targeted to specific patient needs.
· Provide access to early screening diagnoses and treatment.
· Help patients navigate the health care system.
· Help patients adhere to their medical treatment.
· Remove any barriers to care.

Patient navigation began as a community-based practice, when Dr. Harold Freeman pioneered an outreach program in Harlem, NYC. Dr. Freeman
provided education to a severely underserved group of women with high mortality rates. His studies showed improvement in survival. Over the years, patient navigation grew into a massive, largely hospital-based program, and moved away from its grassroots beginnings.
RBOI returns patient navigation to its community-based roots. Our navigators are licensed clinical social workers.
We help bridge the gap between the community and large health systems. When individuals can’t access care, don’t have resources, or need psychosocial support, they reach out to us.

· We help connect them to free cancer screenings when available.
· We work alongside hospital navigators to bridge any gaps in care.
· We find resources, financial assistance programs, and groups to help them overcome barriers. RBOI also donates to Citrus Aid Cancer
Foundation and Heartfelt Unconditional Giving (HUGs) Charities to help ease financial burdens.
· We serve on community boards, such as those at Tobacco Free Florida, Cancer Alliance of Marion
County, or Rotary Club, to educate and bridge gaps.

We are out in the communities we serve, and we are there when the active phase of treatment ends and people are looking for emotional and
mental health support.

Dealing With Survivor’s Guilt Surviving a cancer diagnosis can create feelings of guilt or sadness around thoughts of people who
have not survived cancer, or of the toll one’s illness has taken on family and friends. Known as survivor’s guilt, this common and normal
emotional response can be an attempt to make sense of one’s cancer experience, but it can also affect one’s quality of life.
Healthy coping techniques can be used to address survivor’s guilt.

These include:
· Exercise
· Seeking social support, including through a support group · Helping others, such as by volunteering
· Practicing self-care in one’s daily habits

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Robert Boissoneault Oncology Institute